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The Bam's Art Shop

Empowering Women and Vulnerable Men Project

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

NEW PROJECT - One of our aims is to empower women and girls to fight poverty through the African basket activity. Earning an income is critical to improve livelihoods, because when a woman earns it benefits to the community. Making these fair trade baskets have been a good activity to bring some income home. However, we believe that vulnerable men can also benefit from this project. Here is Jane, one of our basket weavers, teaching Lilian another community girl how to weave a mat. A skill that is tending to disappear in Kenya.

My kenyan partner, Joyce and I have been trying to address women issues in the villages. One of the first issues to address was to come up with a way to help their husbands to become more active and have the sense of ownership too. Because of the drought in some areas, men cannot do any farming and most will have unproductive days. Jane's husband, Paul, for instance is a drunkard. He used to spend most of his time in the traditional village pub. We asked Jane if she could teach her husband and any other drunkards in the village how to weave mats. Mr Muli, Paul's friend happily joined the team too. Although it is early stage, Paul and Muli are really motivated. We hope this project will empower women as well as men. We will be giving you more news on the support that we have put in place. EMPOWERING WOMEN AND VULNARABLE MEN PROJECT We aim to support women in these communities to weave colourful storage baskets for our basket company. The process is simple. After weaving the women store the African baskets in a basket room. These baskets would be shipped gradually to the UK.

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